It is an undeniable fact that sustainability can be a difficult subject to teach, as it demands that the teacher attempt to be an expert in every field. Therefore, there is an urgent need to use innovative educational tools to engage pupils in such topics. Board games are strong educational tools because they can immerse students in challenging situations and offer them experience in the role of decision-makers.
There are various benefits to implementing a game-based learning methodology. Games can stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving and meet curriculum framework objectives. The use of games in the classroom supports the curriculum, as the teachers can give students the opportunity to learn through play and allow them to apply concepts they have learned. Board games facilitate educational knowledge as they combine cognitive functions with physical activity. What is more, they reduce anxiety levels, thus enhancing the interpersonal interactions of the classmates and their motivation to actively participate in the educational process. The hands-on nature of board games promotes learning due to the creation of a memorable experience that makes it easier for players to remember the knowledge they’ve acquired during the game.